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As it is greater than 5 in?

To round to the nearest ten (nearest 10), we use the whole numbers?

Step 1: Locate and underline the tenths place ( 5) then look at the digit to the right ( 7 ): 4 Step 2: In this case, the digit to the right ( 7) is 5 or above. 93 rounded to the nearest tenth = 0 The following table contains starting numbers close to 0. 249 to the nearest tenth (one decimal place), follow these steps: Find the digit at the tenth place, = 2 in the 3 Find the digit on the exact right of the tenth place, Round up if this number is greater than or equal to 5 and round down if it is less than 5249. This simple rounded division calculator has only three components. hearts free online Apr 10, 2024 · Rounding to the nearest integer is just one of many ways to round a number. 385 to the nearest tenth consider the hundredths' value of 5. 8 is greater than 5 so the number will be rounded up Round to the nearest hundred (100): The unit and ten values are changed to zero. Therefore, the tenths value of 1. Using our rounding calculator is simple. my valley tributes com obituaries Example: 1026 The ones number is 6 6 is greater than 5, so we add 1 to tens. 54 rounded to the nearest tenth = 0 The following table contains starting numbers close to 0. To round off the decimal number 3. Round Half Away from Zero. loam rake So, add 1 to the tenth value to round off to the nearest 10th47214 rounded to the nearest tenth is 4 298 rounded to the nearest tenth. ….

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